French to English translations

on Saturday, May 31, 2014
It occurred to me that I've started to include more and more french phrases in Rose and that not everyone reading speaks french.  As I have been writing, I have been typing up a French to English dictionary to include at the back of the book, but I haven't posted it online for anyone to see.  So this is my post that is going to have the translations on it.  I will link to it in all of my chapter posts to make it easy when reading.  It will be updated with every new chapter I post.

French to English translations:
  • À la/au = at the
  • À Vendredi = Until Friday
  • Allô = Hello
  • Allons-y = let’s go
  • Ans = years old
  • Arrête = stop
  • Assieds-toi = sit down
  • Au revoir = goodbye
  • Auberge de la Mine = Inn of the Wealthy
  • Auberge de la Peintres = Inn of the Painters
  • Aussi = also
  • Aux Jardins de la Mansonière = at The Gardens of the Mansion
  • Beau = boyfriend
  • Beaucoup = a lot
  • Bien sûr = of course 
  • Bienvenue = welcome
  • Bonjour = hello
  • Boutique = shop
  • Brut = gross
  • C'est = this is
  • C'est bien? = is that okay?
  • C'est bien = that's okay
  • C’est le temps que tu a perdu pour ta Rose qui fait ta Rose si importante = It is the time you have wasted for your Rose that makes your Rose so important.
  • Ça va = well
  • Carrillons de vent = wind chimes
  • Ce = this
  • Ces = these
  • Chaise = chair
  • Chère = dear
  • Chocolat chaud = hot chocolate
  • Citronnade = lemonade
  • Comme = like
  • Comment ça va = how are you
  • Coupe de Monde de Rugby League = Rugby League World Cup
  • Cuisine = kitchen
  • De rien = you’re welcome, it was nothing
  • Demain = tomorrow
  • Des = some (of)
  • Déchets = garbage
  • Déjeuner = lunch
  • Deux = two
  • Deuxième Guerre Mondiale = Second World War
  • Disques = disks, records
  • Domfront perry = a special pear drink made only in that region
  • Doux = sweet
  • École = school 
  • Encore = again
  • Et = and
  • Étranger = stanger
  • Excusez-moi = excuse me
  • Fête = party
  • Fils = son
  • Fraises = strawberries
  • Fromagerie = cheese shop
  • Gâteau = cake
  • Gentil = pleasant, kind
  • Grenade = pomegranate
  • Guillaume le Conquérant = William the conqueror 
  • Heure = hour
  • Ho = Hey
  • Homme(s) = guy(s)
  • Ici = Here
  • Il est très beau = he’s very handsome
  • Il y a = ago
  • Incroyable = incredible, unbelievable
  • Je m'appelle = my name is
  • Je ne l’ai pas = I did not
  • Je ne sais pas = I don't know
  • Je pense que ça c’est bien = I think that’s good.
  • Je promis = I promise
  • Je sais = I know
  • Je suis désolée = I am sorry
  • Joie de vivre= joy to live
  • Joyaux = jewels
  • Jus = juice
  • L’aide = the help
  • La/Le/Les = the
  • La Robe Rose = The Pink Dress
  • La Tanière du Dragon = the Dragon’s Lair
  • Le Collier de la Reine = The Queen’s Necklace
  • Le jour J = D-day
  • Le marché = farmer's market
  • Les Mystères du Nautilus = the Mystery of the Nautilus, a walk-through attraction based on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
  • Limonade = lemon water
  • Lycée = high school
  • Ma/Mon = my
  • Magasin de bijoux = jewelry store
  • Mais = but
  • Maladroit = awkward
  • Malchance = bad luck
  • Merci = thank you
  • Mercredi = Wednesday
  • Mère = mother
  • Merveilleux = marvelous, heavenly
  • Midi = noon
  • Militaires = military
  • Mineurs = miners
  • Mois = months
  • Mon = my
  • Monsieur = sir
  • Montre = watch
  • Musée Mémorial de la Battaille de Normandy = Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum
  • Nains = dwarves, midgets
  • Ne t’inquiète pas = don’t worry
  • Ne vous inquiètez pas = don’t worry
  • Nos = our
  • Nouveau = new
  • Où = where
  • Ouai = yeah
  • Oui = Yes
  • Pain au chocolat = chocolate drizzled sweet bread
  • Paranoïde = paranoid
  • Pâtisserie = pastry shop
  • Pâtissier/pâtissière = pastry chef
  • Père = father
  • Portable = cell phone
  • Pour = for
  • Qu’est-ce que c’est? = what is this/that?
  • Qu’est-ce qui se passe? = what happened?
  • Qui est-ce? = who is that?
  • Quinze minutes = fifteen minutes
  • Roserie = rose garden
  • Salon de thé = tea room
  • Salut = hi
  • S’il vous plaît = please
  • Septembre = September
  • Si tu veux = if you want
  • Siècle = century
  • Sous les Étoiles = Under the Stars
  • Stupide(s) = stupid
  • Sur un tourne-disque = on a record player
  • Ta/ton = your
  • Tais-toi = be quiet
  • Tant pis = whatever, oh well
  • Tante = aunt
  • Tayez- vous = be quiet
  • Toujours = always
  • Toussaint = All Saints Day
  • Tout le monde = everyone
  • Très = very
  • Un/une = a
  • Univers = universe
  • Viens = come
  • Vite = quick
  • Vraiment = really
  • Zut = darn it

Rose Chapter 6

A few weeks have passed since the last chapter, and Rose is preparing for Violette's 17th birthday. (Bit of trivia, Vi's birthday is October 19th).

Here is a link to the French to English translations I have compiled for your reading aid.


Chapter 6

As the month changed, autumn seemed to encompass Domfront.  Rose’s favorite spot had become even more beautiful as the pear trees turned from a soft green to a vibrant red.  With summer officially gone, the town seemed to settle into life with a new spirit.  The atmosphere had evolved with the slight drop in temperature, creating an early morning image of smoke rising from the rooftops against a pale backdrop of the rising sun and people walking the streets, now bundled against the oncoming cold.
Among them was Rose, welcoming the autumn weather with her favorite blue and pink striped scarf.  She had a special grocery list today, so she set out extra early in order to get all of her shopping done in time to get the decorating done.  Tonight her family was coming to celebrate Vi’s 17th birthday.  Her birthday wasn’t until the next day, but her parents were busy and Rose wanted to have the whole family there for the celebration.  She had spent the past week making decorations, a banner, and two presents.  She had even enlisted Remy to make a fruit gâteau. 

Writing Inspiration

on Wednesday, May 28, 2014
    I have a Pinterest board where I pin all sorts of Writing ideas, inspiration, quotes, and aids.  I reference it on a daily basis for various reasons.  Sometimes I just need a quote to encourage me to keep doing what I'm doing.  Other times I need help with description, or body language, or even a word that just won't come.  For anyone interested in some inspiration or writing aids, here is a link to my Pinterest board .  Everything I am posting today has come from various places on my Pinterest board.

  This quote was the inspiration for my creating my blog and enforcing rules upon myself to keep my mind focused on my writing.

  This pretty much captures how I feel about writing.  My writing process consists of a rough rough handwritten draft just to help me organize my thoughts and figure out wording that I like, then I start to type out what I wrote by hand to reword and reconfigure everything.  Everything becomes solidified when I do that, and it wouldn't happen without a rough rough rough draft.

Rose Ch. 5

on Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Another encounter between Phillippe and Rose.  Enjoy!

Here is a link to the French to English translations I have compiled for your reading aid.


Chapter 5

All week had been warm and sunny, but the fog that snuck in overnight seemed to fit the sourness in Rose’s throat better.  She felt uncomfortable with the bright sun beating on her skin when inside she felt so dark from the stale aftertaste of her words that resided in her mouth.  She had gotten up early and done the shopping just as clandestinely as she had been since her family left, then slipped out again with her book and returned to the pear tree.  Now that she was here, she was having trouble keeping her mind off her family and in prison au Château d’If with Edmond Dantès.  In frustration she slammed the book closed.
Ho!  What did Dantès ever do to you?”
“Phillippe!”  She looked up, startled.  “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to know that something’s bothering you.  Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not really.”

Old Writing

on Friday, May 23, 2014
    So last week I talked about looking back at my old writing and how I was too embarrassed (if embarrassed is the right word) to post anything that old. This picture is the only way I can describe my feelings.

   I also said that I would eventually go through and post something to show how my writing has developed since I was 12 and first started writing. I finally figured out what to show you! In 2008 I started writing a story I titled Misunderstood. It revolved around 4 very different characters who join together to fight an evil warlock. I used to think that Misunderstood would be my first published novel, but then I looked back at it and realized how terrible it was, so I started to rewrite it. In the process of rewriting, I hit a wall that I couldn't get around. For some reason, the story just wasn't coming to me anymore. I'm still very frustrated that the story wasn't going together like I thought it would. I can only hope that the reason it stopped being so easy was because I was about to start Rose and my other writing would get put on hold. Anyway, I was going to share both versions of the first chapter of Misunderstood on here just to compare my writing from 6 years ago to my writing from this year.

Rose Ch. 4

on Thursday, May 22, 2014
    I know I just posted a new chapter yesterday, but I couldn't wait to finish this chapter.  It ended very differently than I thought it would when I started it.  It was also interesting to create a personality for Vi and Dai, especially after already giving a first impression of each girl from another perspective.  Hope you enjoy it!

Here is a link to the French to English translations I have compiled for your reading aid.


Chapter 4

While her parents hadn’t been able to stay very long, they allowed Vi and Dai to spend the night with Rose in Domfront.  Dai was ecstatic.  She loved Rose and she loved Domfront.  Then again, Rose had a hard time coming up with something Dai didn’t love.  Vi was less excited, but she still loved her older sister enough to put up with it for the night.  After they had unloaded their bags into the apartment, they headed out for the evening.  Leah had provided Rose with money to treat the girls out for dinner, so she took them out to her favorite restaurant, la crêperie. 
They ordered a variety of crêpes, both fruit filled and meat filled, and they all ate off each other’s plates like sisters often do.  Rose even allowed Vi to order an alcoholic drink.  She was only about a year away from the drinking age, and they didn’t even ask when she ordered it.  Besides, she just couldn’t buy it at that young of an age and Rose was the one who was paying.
After dinner they went window-shopping through town, with Dai and Vi dragging her into shops to try on ridiculous clothes and shoes they would never want even if they could afford them.  She was caught off guard by the revealing tops and dresses her sisters picked out.  At one point, Dai made her try on flowered skinny jeans that made her feel self-conscious about her legs.  Rose preferred quieter clothing.  They even went into a hat shop and tried on extravagant hats that their ancestors might have worn at one point in the 1900s.  It was so much fun to be with her sisters.  She couldn’t express how wonderful it felt to spend time with them and feel like part of the family.  Having no friends around her age made these times that much more special.  Eventually all the shops closed and hey had to head home.  They changed into their pajamas and sat on the floor in a circle talking and playing with each other’s hair. 
While Dai was braiding Rose’s long waves, she asked, “How is the shop doing?”
“As good as it can.  The summer season is over, so things seem slow, but really summer was super busy.”
“Did you meet any cute boys over the summer?”
“Oh, Dai, you are such a boy crazy teenager.”
Vi chimed in from her spot brushing Dai’s short vanilla hair.  “Actually Dai has a very solid crush on one boy in particular.”
“Too bad he’s seven years older than me.”  She giggled.
“Wow.  Only you would have your heart set on someone so much older than you.”  Rose laughed with her sister.
“Have you met the boys my age?  Fourteen year olds are so immature.  Besides, Mama et Papa have him set aside for Vi.”
Vi scoffed.  “That’s never going to happen though.  I wish they would just give up on that.  Anyway, I never told you about Paul.”
“Ooh, Paul?”  Rose teased.
“I met him when I went out for lunch today.  He’s a drummer in a band.”
“Wait, weren’t you on a lunch date?”  Dai couldn’t stop laughing.
“Yeah, a date set up by Mama et Papa.  That’s not even remotely romantic.  Besides, he just ignored me the entire time.  I don’t know what you see in him.”
“I don’t know what you don’t!  Il est très beau!”
Ouai, well he’s also weird.  He thinks he’s so clever but he doesn’t have a real sense of humor and he never even listens to anything I say.  I’m not going on another date with him.”
“Is he rich?”  Rose asked.
“Loaded.”  Dai replied.
“Then what more do you need?”
“He’s just not for me.  I want to marry rich, but I also want to marry someone who genuinely worked for his money than someone who was handed fabulous wealth because he was born into a family with a certain last name.”
“Like Paul the drummer?”  Dai interjected, still giggling.
“I bet he has a diamond stud in his ear.”  Rose laughed along with Dai.
“Or a hoop earring?”
“Maybe he had a chain dangling from his belt loops!”
“No!  He must have been wearing suspenders, but he left them hanging instead of actually wearing them.”
“Did he have long, unwashed hair?”
“Long, unwashed, black hair?”
Vi rolled her eyes in irritation with the escalation of their laughter.  “Tayez-vous!  You guys don’t know him like I do.”
“And how long exactly did you spend basking in Paul’s presence today?”  Rose retorted.
“Two minutes?”  Dai guessed.
“It was seven minutes, actually.”  Vi responded.
“Must be true love.”  Rose said, nodding gravely at Dai before bursting out into giggles again.
“Please, Rose.  And exactly how many single men have you talked with in the past month?”
“Well, one.”
“What’s his name?  What’s his favorite color?  Is it true love?”  Dai interjected, her eyes as blue as the English Channel laughing along.
“Definitely not true love.  Sorry, Dai.”
“So you can be definitive of whether it’s true love or not, but I can’t?”  Vi raised her eyebrows disapprovingly.
D’accord, you got me there.  But if next time you come to visit you start going on about an Albert or a Dimitri, you have to buy me my favorite Richart chocolate bar.”
“And if in the future you admit that you were wrong about that single man you met and you two fall madly in love, you have to buy me my favorite Richart chocolate bar.  Deal?”
Dai chimed in, “And if I end up with the man destined for Vi, then you both have to buy me my favorite Richart chocolate bar!”
All three laughed as Vi and Rose agreed to the deal.
     The next morning, all three sisters were exhausted after staying up late.  Rose did not want her sisters to leave, but she was excited to see her parents again.  She was planning on asking about Vi working in the shop again because she really wanted to be closer to her sisters.  When she had mentioned it the night before, Vi had brushed it off while Dai changed the subject.  She was hoping her parents would listen to her this time. 
When they arrived that afternoon, Rose found herself losing her determination.  She didn’t want to get shut down again.  Sometimes it really bothered her that she was the random outcast of the family.  Not that she felt her family didn’t love her, but she just didn’t always fit in with her sisters or her parents.  Convincing herself that she was just imagining things, she hugged both her parents.  “How long are you staying?”
     “No longer than an hour.  We have to get back fairly soon.”  Leah hugged her daughter.  “Did you girls have fun?”
     Oui, Mama!”  Dai said before yawning.  “We might have stayed up too late though.”
     “But it was worth it.  We had fun.”  Vi added.
     “I’m glad you had fun, Vi.”  Rose decided to continue before she lost her nerve.  “I still think you should stay here with me and work in the shop.”
     “Rose, we’ve talked about this.  Vi has to stay and finish school.  Then we might discuss things further.”  Leah’s tone was an odd mix of warning and anxiety.
     “Mais, Mama...”
     “Non, Rose.  This discussion is over.”
     “Besides, Rose, there are not cute boys here anyway.”  Vi winked and squeezed her older sister’s hand.
     “No drummers named Paul.”  Dai corrected.
     All three sisters giggled at the reference to the previous night, much to the confusion of their parents.
     “Alright girls, you stay here in the shop while we go talk with your aunts in the back.”  Leah left with Stéfan following behind.
     The girls were left alone in the modest shop.  Dai and Vi tiredly wandered through the racks of clothing while Rose sat on the counter staring out the big window at the sun reflecting off the cobblestone street outside.  “I still don’t understand why you don’t just move here.  Life is wonderful here, and cheap.”
     “Rose, Mama et Papa are going to keep doing whatever they want to do.  Sometimes it’s best not to question them too much.”  Vi responded softly.
     “It just doesn’t make sense.”
     “It doesn’t have to make sense for you, Rose.”  Vi’s voice started to climb.  “You act like you know so much about our situation, but you don’t even know what life is like at home.  You just don’t understand.  Things are so much more complicated that you know.  You don’t see the things they have done for you because your head is so caught up in this ridiculous, ancient town in the middle of nowhere.  Maybe if you lived at home and knew what they knew you’d have a right to say and act like you know everything, but you don’t know everything, Rose.  Just leave it be.”
     “I’d love to live with you guys if you’d ever let me.  I’d gladly offer better advice if anyone would let me know what was happening at home.  Maybe if I was ever a part of your family, things would be different!”
     “Rose, I didn’t mean it.”  Vi instantly regretted her words as she watched the tear slide down Rose’s cheek.
     Both parents came into the shop when they heard the sounds of shouting.  “Is everything okay?”  Leah asked, noticing Rose’s tear, Vi biting her lip, and Dai’s stunned silence.
     C’est très bien, Mama.”  Rose’s voice seemed extra quiet.
     Chère,” Leah tried to put an arm around her daughter, but she pushed it off.

     “Au revoir.”  She whispered as she ran out of the store, another tear falling.  Taking the back route to her favorite spot, she curled up under the pear tree at the back of le château.  The bitterness of her own words filled her gut, making her feel worse than just thinking it had felt.  She was a horrible person for treating her family like that.  She loved them, but she missed them so much.  She had missed out on everything.  Her sisters had grown up without her.  Every time they came to visit, she realized how well Vi and Dai knew each other, while she had no idea what they were really like.  Shopping had only revealed how they were from her.  Reminding herself how much they meant to her, she resolved herself to keep her opinions to herself.  She had a part to play to help her family and she needed to keep at it.  Nothing could get in the way of helping her family anymore, even if that meant not knowing her family.

Rose Ch. 3

on Wednesday, May 21, 2014
    In this chapter we get to see life from Phillippe's perspective.  We get a glimpse into how he interprets the world around him, and we see deeper into a side of his personality that Rose didn't get to meet.

Here is a link to the French to English translations I have compiled for your reading aid.


Chapter 3

Violette droned on about some more of her shallow friends from lycée.  He tried really hard to pay attention, but she was just so boring.  She didn’t even have a sense of humor.  In an attempt to stifle a yawn, he distracted himself by pulling at a loose thread in the bottom seam of his shirt.  After all of two seconds, the seam started to unravel.  In a panic he tried to break the thread, but it continued to undo the hemline.  He held the thread close to the shirt and wrapped the end around his finger hoping to break it.  After a few failed attempts that turned the tip of his finger blue, he pinched the seam between his thumb and his forefinger and pulled one last time, snapping the thread off.  “Ha!”  He cried out, interrupting his date.  “Je suis désolé.”
“Phillippe, have you even been listening?”  She glared at him across the table, annoyance written in her olive green eyes, breaking the steady motion of twirling her ashy brown hair she had maintained while talking.

Writer's Sketchbook 2

on Monday, May 19, 2014
    After rereading my second chapter I realized I didn't do a very good job of talking about my characters.  Then I remembered that I hadn't yet done my writer's sketchbook for either character.  So I spent all day today thinking about the two main characters and their personalities.  I knew I had to write down everything about them so that I knew about them to make it easier for the reader to know about them.  Hopefully the sketchbook will help info about my characters sneak into my writing rather than forcing the info onto the readers.  
    The most important thing about character development is to make sure your characters are not perfect.  Each character has flaws and it's important to know what those flaws are in the beginning to help with character development throughout the entire novel.  When writing the second chapter, I had a lot of fun coming up with a personality for Phillippe because I don't have much to base his character off of, whereas Rose's character has been represented many times.  But at the same time, I had to really work hard to keep Rose from embodying that "perfect Disney princess" character that she seems to be on the outside.  I really want to deepen each character in order to deepen the plot and the relationships that have been seen so many times.  So here is my second post in my writer's sketchbook.

- relaxed but rigid shoulders, she carried herself gracefully
- slender, but not skinny
- has an air of confidence around those she knows, but is shy around new people
- friendly, but not outgoing

Rose Ch. 2

on Sunday, May 18, 2014
The next chapter is finished!  It was fun to incorporate all the things from my writer's sketchbook into the description.  I think next time I'll do a character.

Here is a link to the French to English translations I have compiled for your reading aid.


Chapter 2

With hills greener than the pears that grew there and vines growing up the stone walls of the once brightly painted buildings, now faded and antiqued, Rose was sure Domfront emerged from a Monet painting.  As she walked down the stone streets past rows and columns of windows, she remembered how much she adored her home.  She just wished her family lived here with her.  It had been about a month since they had last visited, and that time she had tried to convince Vi to come work with her but her parents had adamantly refused. Rose had been working for her aunts since forever because her parents needed the money, which is why she didn’t understand the need for the extra money Vi would bring in.  Trying to shake off the troubled feeling that her family brought on, she stopped outside la pâtisserie to to take in the smells. 
Every Friday morning was le marché, and Rose was always sent out to do the shopping while her aunts handled the store.  Fridays brought in a lot of tourists because of le marché.  It also meant la pâtisserie had extra special treats.  After double checking the remaining items on her list and the money allotted by Fleur, she decided to make a quick trip inside.  Bonjour, Remy!  Comment ça va?”

Writer's Sketchbook

on Thursday, May 15, 2014
A few days ago I read a post from Writer's Write (a great writing blog with lots of inspiration and tips for beginners that I follow on Pinterest) about a writer's sketchbook.  It talked about how if an artist must have a sketchbook to practice detailing, an author needs a sketchbook to practice detailing too.  The recommendation was to take pictures and practice describing the parts of pictures to get good at description.  Here's a link to the original post.

With my book, Rose, I have been struggling with it taking place in another country.  I don't want my detailing to lack because the scenery is something unfamiliar to me.  I wanted to sound authoritative on the subject of Domfront, France, so I started doing research.  Lots and lots of research.  But I was still struggling with the next chapter because I was unsure how to describe this town.  Then I remembered the writer's sketchbook activity and decided it was time to try.  I found pictures of city streets in Domfront and the country surrounding it, and started to describe.  It was rough at first, but toward the end you can see how it got easier.  I'm excited and ready to start chapter 2 now that I feel like I can place a character in this small town.  Here are some pictures of the town and my sketchbook details.  Hopefully soon I'll have the next chapter done so you can see how the details fit into my writing.

-Quaint and picturesque
-very green
-pear trees for Domfront perry
-Au Bar Normand
-hills greener than the pears that grew there
-a few streets had been repaved to replace the old cobblestone
-faded paint

Looking Back

on Wednesday, May 14, 2014

    It really is quite horrible looking back at my old writing.  Really.  It's not always because of the grammatical errors or the word choice.  Usually I read some old stuff and think, "I really thought this would make a good book?  What on earth was I thinking?!"  I first realized I wanted to write when I was 12.  With the very first book I started to write I knew it was a weird concept, but I was writing simply to say that I had written something.  It wasn't long before I had my second idea for a story, this time a fantasy (my favorite genre).  I thought I was inspired.

Rose Ch. 1

on Tuesday, May 13, 2014
This is the first chapter to my new, still unnamed trilogy.  A quick intro to the trilogy: Retelling of 3 old fairy tales in modern day magical France.  Any guesses as to the first fairy tale?

Here is a link to the French to English translations I have compiled for your reading aid.


Chapter 1

She was born with tufts of white hair that faded to gold, and blue eyes that faded to grey.  Her mother, Leah, hated the hospital, so she gave birth inside their mansion estate on the largest vineyard, the one that housed the famous De La Fontaine family winery where the business had originated.  The only competition the De La Fontaine family had for the Normandy wine market was with the Chevalier family's neighboring winery.  The businesses had been fighting for more centuries than either family had record of, which was why Rose's birth pushed the heads of each family, Stéfan De La Fontaine and Hubert Chevalier, to call for a truce.  Truces had been called many times previously when the feud had brought the companies to the brink of bankruptcy, but never lasted longer than a few drunken arguments that always ended in bloodshed.


Hello everyone!  I am putting this blog together to display my writing, to use as a journal, and to post writing inspiration.  Here is a little about myself: I am 19 years old, I love the color blue, I love California, I am married to the love of my life (yes at such a young age), my favorite book series is The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale, and I am hoping to use this blog to force myself to become more serious and self-disciplined about my writing.  My life is crazy because I am a nanny right now with no sense of a normal weekly schedule.  Because of that and trying to keep an apartment somewhat organized for my hard working husband, my writing has been pushed to the back of my life.  I am hoping to publish new posts on this blog at least 3 times a week, hopefully more.  But because every week is different (for example this week I am working full time, last week I worked less than 20 hours), I can't guarantee how much time I will have working on this blog.  I hope that it will at least keep my writing skills sharp amidst the craziness of my life.  This week (Sunday morning to be exact) I came up with a new idea for a trilogy that I really want to write and publish.